We’ll Come United! 16. September 2017 Berlin

Antirassistische Parade / commUNITY-Carnival in Berlin

Don’t miss it!


Can’t stop moving: More than 100 activists from 15 cities gathered in Berlin on the 15th and 16th of July for the We`ll Come United Action Conference.

By now more than 10 motive-wagons are registered for the 16th of September, for example: „Ferries not of Frontex“, „Against all walls and fences“ and „Bleibistan“ against the deportations to Afghanistan. „Right to Education“ and „Solidarity with the City Plaza Hotel in Athens“, „Refugee-Women-Empowerment“, against fear and racism and a car with a huge yellow whistle as a symbol „Against Dublin Deportations“. Other wagons are already in the planning.

14 buses – which will depart from the following cities – have already been booked:
Bielefeld / Paderborn, Darmstadt (2 busses), Frankfurt (2 busses), Hanau (2 busses), Hanover, Hoch-Taunus-Kreis, Kassel, München, Osnabrück, Wiesbaden / Mainz and Wuppertal.
From Brandenburg there will also be busses, which will go to different refugee camps. Join us!
