On September 9th our support for refugees in transit to Scandinavia started on the Walli. In just a short time we 12010738_1491315724526786_8593649073123331546_omanaged to create a unique place of solidarity, meeting and voluntary engagement. So far we’ve managed to help over 14.000 people crossing borders and reaching their chosen destinations.

The independent communications center “die alternative” (mostly called “Walli” because of its location on the Wallhalbinsel) has been a place for uncommercial culture, alternative living and left politics since 1978. The experiences made with self-organisation, basic democratic structures and the trust that grew between everyone involved over the years are what made our practical solidarity with the refugees in transit and the organisation of it all possible in such a short time – and all that without any full-timers, officials and no one giving orders from “above”. This Walli-Culture also makes it possible for new helpers – with or without german passports – to join in and become a part of our project.

When the temperatures started sinking and more people started requiring our support, we needed more space. Through constant negotiations and symbolic house squatting we finally got another building from the city that is now our solidarity center. This would never have been possible without all the voluntary work, also from traveling craftsmen and solidary businesses in Lübeck.

The solidarity center was founded to be a place for refugees in transit – and we want it to become so much more. A lot of people, from a lot of countries, are now arriving in Lübeck and they want to settle in and orientate. Often burocratic structures and lack of funds make it hard to build a self-determined life. We want the solidarity center to become a house for those new Lübeck residents to meet, talk and make their own interests known.

The solidarity center is:

  • An open house for refugees in transit who need support, care and shelter.
  • An invitation to all refugees and migrants who’ve only just arrived in Lübeck and are looking for a place to meet others, chat and become a part of the center.
  • A chance to for all Lübeck residents, with or without a german pass, with or without a migration background, new-arrivals and those who’ve been here all their lives to meet new people.
  • An offer to become a part of the self-organised workshops and projects, music and culture, language courses and informative events.
  • An active center that transmits impulses and actions for a world without borders, for global solidarity and a society in which everyone has equal rights.

The solidarity center is part of the independent youth- and culture center alternative (“Walli”) and stands for the following principles:

  • Everyone in our house “works” uncommercially and voluntary. We do not strive for commercial gains. Revenue made through the sale of food and drinks or entrance fees are for the financing of the project, the maintenance of the house or a collectively chosen good cause. No one is being paid for their engagement in our house.
  • We manage ourselves and make all decisions together in an open plenum to which all involved and users of the house are invited. On said plenum every opinion counts and we try our best to always find solutions everyone can agree with, or at least accept. On this basis the single collectives and work groups work out their matters autonomously.
  • The alternative – and with it the solidarity center – is in every aspect, and without excuse, a place without space for racism, fascism and sexism. We do not tolerate any sort of discriminative statements or actions – be it because of the colour of someone’s skin, the country of origin, religion, gender, sexual orientation or age. We want to communicate violence-free and offer victims of discrimination or attacks protection and support.